Guess unlimited League of Legends champions!
Type any champion to begin.
Color Indicators
How to play?
The goal of the game is to find the champion that is randomly selected by the game. You have to guess the champion by entering its name in the input field.
Unlimited mode
In unlimited mode, simply type in the name of a champion and it will reveal its properties.
The color of the tiles will change to show how close your guess was to the champion to find.
Green indicates the property is an exact match.
Orange indicates partial match.
Red indicates there is no overlap between your guess and the property.
⬇️ ⬆️ With arrows, it also indicates if the answer property is above or below your guess.
Here is the details of each of the properties columns:
Possible values: Top, Jungle, Middle, Bottom, Support
Most played positions in game, i.e. if its play rate for a position is above 20% in the past 6 months, for all ranks.
Possible values: Male, Female or Other
There may be multiple species for one champion.
Possible values: Human, Yordle, etc...
The resource used by the champion in game.
Possible values: Mana, Energy, Manaless, etc...
Range type:
How the champion hits other champions with right click in game. They are considered at least Ranged if they can buy Runaan's Hurricane.
Possible values: Melee, Ranged, Melee Ranged
Where the champion comes from or where he resides. If it's unknown, it will be marked Runeterra (the world).
Possible values: Demacia, Ionia, etc...
Release year:
When the champion was released to be played.
Possible values: Any year between 2009 and today
To help you find the champion, you get to unlock clues after several guesses.
Quote gives a random quote said by the champion in game.
Splash gives a cropped section of one of the splash arts (skin's images) of the champion.
Ability gives the icon of one of the spells of a champion, without its name.
If you guessed the champion, you can come back to the clues section and have the missing details about them
Consider the correct answer is Annie.
If you enter Irelia, these properties will appear:
Gender: Green
It is an exact match, they are both female.
Position(s): Orange
It is partially correct since Annie is only a Middle champion.
Species: Orange
It is partially correct since Annie is also a Human but not a Spiritualist.
Resource: Green
They are exact matches since they are both mana champions.
Range type: Red
It is not a match since Annie is ranged.
Region(s): Red
It is not a match since Annie is not from Ionia.
Release year: Red
Annie 's release year is before 2010.
If you entered Annie , here is what would come up: